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To address New Orlean’s vulnerability to storm surges and coastal flooding with proper urban flood protection, using the infrastructure of the city along the lakefront of Lake 



The urban infrastructural barrier incorporates public space with the high-water barrier doubling as parks, seating, bicycle shelters or skateboard ramps.


Embankments add green areas and spaces beneath elevated roadways are built out with pavilions for public use. 


The proposal combines natural and fortified solutions to facilitate more resilient forms of inhabitation in the places most at risk from severe storms. It also asserts that is possible to  live and work along the lakefront with an incremental and integrative approach that restores the environment, strengthens connectivity,   enhances the regional economy, reduces long-term risk, and restores the Lake Pontchartrain as one of the city’s identity.


In this way, Orleans Parish can become a model for other coastal  cities that are under high risk of storm surges or floods.


The main driver of the proposal  is “How do we  protect a city against surging flood water without simply building a giant wall?”
















This is an innovative and radical approach to readdressing the levee on the Pontchartrain lakefront and reconnecting the citizens of New Orleans back to their major defining asset, the lakefront. The typologies that are being developed will transform the visual and physical connection of the city to the lake.


This axonometric explains the relation of the proposed area to the existing. It defines th embankment as a civil structure while also being a civic element. It is exploring the possibility of of using the urban infrastructure as the protection from flooding, while also allowing the “flood protection” to be utilised. This will enhance existing public sites and create new nodes that will link the city to the edge.


As city of new orlean’s relationship of the water has continuously changed throughout the years, due to flooding. This is a dynamic apprach to proposing floodable zones, carefully selected to direct the flooding and use it as a feature rather than a disturbnce. 


During storm the sunken garden acts as containment area for flooding, stopping the flood from going down to street level.


Seating spaces, and urban parks provide areas that can be utilised by the restaurants on the lower floors. All lower floors will be flood resistant design.


The undulating berms of the park and walkways will rise higher than the existing flood wall. This provides the city with a more effective flood protection that the current solution. The park will support diverse plantings, provide enhance prospects on the park and create social spaces.


The proposal also introduces a series of “spillways” and green spaces as neighbourhood amenities between urban block, while enhancing the Pontchartrain lakefront. 


Three levels of protection was applied to the proposal, where the undulating berms and elevated walkways acts as a wall or levees to stop flood surges. The leevees aid in directing the floods from high risk areas to low risk areas.


The second level of protection are the cisterns created by the carparking areas and garages. The cistersn will fill up completely before any damage occurs at street level.


The third level of protection are the tidal parks which acts as the last form of defence between the commercial area and residential area. The tidal parks are designed to absorb and drink up the flood before they reach the residential zone


Proposed: Typical


Proposed: Storm


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